Monday, November 3, 2008

Finish Final Exam!!

Finally I'm free!!

Finally I finished my final exam!!

I'm at home now, resting for maybe 1 day and i will start go do my part time job at the pharmacy as a sales assistant!

Good luck to those that still having exam!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fianl Examination

Today (3/11/2008) is the start of my final examination. I am taking only one paper this semester and it just so happened that the exam fall on the last few days of the exam week.

It is quite annoying and tiring waiting for the exam to be over.

My exam starts at a very bad time which is 5pm. Who set this time anyway?

Anyway, i have studied few days and I didnt memorize them.. haha.. It needs understanding, not memorizing!!